Our direction is clear, we are not to keep the good news of the gospel to ourselves, but we are to take the good news of the gospel to the streets and to the nations. Jesus’ final commissioning to the disciples was to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). If we claim to be Jesus’ disciples, we must take his commissioning seriously. Faith Promise is an opportunity for us to take faithful action on our responsibilities.

MCC serves alongside several different missionary partners to proclaim this critical message to people across the street in private and public places as well as places across the globe. Collectively our goal is to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and to become a disciple of him!

During our 59th Annual Faith Promise Rally, we will catch a glimpse of the Kingdom impact our missionary partners have in the different places they serve. Allow Faith Promise to impact you and move you to take action. Invite God’s Spirit to move us as individuals and a church body to be proclaimers and disciple makers of Jesus Christ.



Frank Weller - September 10, 2023


Mark Pike - September 17, 2023