We live in a world where the people in power and those with a platform want us to choose sides. The compulsion to pick a side is often perpetuated by pushing our focus toward what we are against.

Once, Jesus’ disciples tried to stop someone from doing ministry in Jesus’ name because they weren’t following the course the disciples were on. Jesus, however, responded this way, “Whoever is not against us is for us.” Yes, knowing what we ought not to do in this life is essential. Still, our foundational posture must be about what and who we are FOR, not what or who we are against.

If we are disciples of the one true Lord and Savior Jesus, then as a people, we are called to be FOR JESUS, FOR EACH OTHER, and FOR THE OTHER. What and who we are FOR marks us as disciples of Jesus.

Each week in this series, we will explore what and who we are FOR, and at the end of the month, on Serve Sunday, we’ll have a collective opportunity to live it out within our community.



Tim Peace - June 4, 2023

FOR each other

Tim Peace - June 11, 2023

FOR THE other

Tim Peace - June 18, 2023


Tim Peace - June 25, 2023